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Evil Blue

Wadi Mhiri

“From one point of view, time has no meaning except that of always going forward, crushing seconds one by one,

Guardian Angel

Wadi Mhiri

“It is said that death is part of life and the reaper has one hundred faces.

Facelike Party / Facelike Party

Project presented at the Multidisciplinary Festival of Contemporary Art


2012 – 2013

Wadi Mhiri &

The Grenade

Wadi Mhiri

“From afar, the transparency of the encasement and the subtle manifestation of its contents reveal a form enthroned by a generous wreath of flowers;

The Momes of Sikasso

In Sikasso, where dust replaces the air and ocher sand hangs over the ground, the kids create their little universes filled with rudimentary games and early responsibilities.


“Blue Beard” is a series of photos dealing with our discomfort facing today’s society.

2015 : « +216 » Friche belle de mai Exhibition,

El Harka

« EL Harka»  video and pictures  2014  Osnunbruck – festival of Africa, Germany.
Video VO,

Look where you put your feet


“Look where you put your feet“ is an installation realized in Sbitla.

During this artistic residency,

The Martians’ Call

“The Martians’ Call”  Land Art 2013 – Tozeur, Tunisia

As part of a Land Art workshop this project takes life in the oases of Tozeur,

The Temple of Modern Times

“The temple of modern times” Permanent installation in B’chira art Center – Tunis 2011

By sending his bottle loaded with a message to the sea,